Friday, April 4, 2008

Fifth Assignment

1. The project of my novel that i think the author was trying to get across to me is that war is not glorious. War affects a person not only phsically but psychologically. War ruins a persons life and hurts families as well.

2. The main conflict in my novel is that the character Billy Pilgrim keeps going through flashbacks of his past and keeps claiming that he was abducted by aliens. So basically Billy is losing his scenility.

3. This problem attributes to the project because Billy was perfectly fine before the war. After he got out of the war was he started all the flashbacks and claiming that he had been abducted by aliens.

4. Other elements that attribute to the project is the symbol of the woman he met on Tralfamadore. The woman made Billy very happy and feel normal again, which he hasn't felt since he had left the war. Billy holds on to that impression of the woman because it's a symbol of him trying to reclaim what he once was before the war took his innocence.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Third Assignment

1. I think my books story is pretty original. It deals with traveling between storylines and dealing with being abducted by ailiens. I have never read a book where it dealed with frame writing, so to me this book is original and doesn't borrow from other stories.

2. What makes my story original is how the frame writing works. It goes from 1961 back to World War 2 and will occasionally jump to 1957. It's very confusing at times but i eventually catch back up with the story and realize whats going on.

3. I don't think a writer can make an entirely different story in this day and age. I don't think a writer can do this because so many stories have been written for over 100 hundred years and there's not really a genre one can make new.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Second Assignment

1.The main character of my book is Billy Pilgrim.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

First Assignment

i chose to read Slaughter House 5 for Mr. Downing's class.
I chose it because Mr. Downing's description sounded really cool for it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Man whats Slaughter House 5 gonna be about???